Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Cellar

For the past week and a half I've been painstakingly cleaning and throwing away junk in my basement. I want to create a more livable space down there. I've been wanting to do clean it out and "renovate" it for a few years but never found the time to. But with an extra long summer, and no job (sucks) I've started to push the start button. It ceases to amaze me how many plastic bags, paper bags, plastic rice bags, handbags, and a wide assortment of other containers my family has collected over the years. They probably number in the thousands. I don't even want to mention bags of cloth... But there has been progress with the project.

This is what it looked like as of Monday. I hope it will turn out something like this (but with better color and perspective):

There's also a big mold problem that called for a Super Macro Photo moment:

On a personal note, I've been stressed from work on this project as well as people. I wanted to take a break from society, but it keeps pulling me back in. Its a confusing and uncomfortable feeling. I need to get away, yet I need to talk to someone. And problems, no, situations are just building up and no one is willing to give in. I guess when you grow older, you notice more of the bad sides of people than the good, which really sucks. Things get too complicated and someone has to un-complicate them...

1 comment:

mothafu**ingchow said...
